Oxheart Carrot (90 Days)
Squat, chubby Chantenay type, with shoulders reaching 5" across and 3-4" long with a full carrot flavor. The Oxheart Carrot is one of the most different carrots we offer, showing the diversity of carrot shapes and sizes. Tolerates heavy soil and excellent for storage.
300 seeds
Daucus carota
Germination: 6-14 days
Germination Temperature: Optimum soil temperatures 60-85ºF. The cooler the soil the longer it takes for germination, up to 3 weeks.
Seed Sowing Depth: 1/4” deep
Sowing Outdoors: Start 3 weeks before last frost into mid-summer. Sow lightly, thin to 1-3” apart. The larger the carrot variety the more space needed between them. The soil moisture should be maintained regularly until germination, letting soil dry out during this period may result in lower germination.
How much does a packet plant: 10-12 foot row
Harvest: Start when carrots reach finger size for baby carrots. Carrots planted for summer harvest will hold in the ground for a few weeks but tend to split if they stay in the ground too long. Late season carrots hold longer and become sweeter in the cooler weather.
Tips: Using a row cover helps to maintain moisture for germination. The Oxheart Carrot prefers a loose soil, free of rubble. Use the shorter varieties for heavy soils. Keep well weeded and cover any exposed carrot with soil or mulch to prevent greening. An excess of nitrogen in the soil cause the roots to become hairy.