Love Lies Bleeding Amaranth

$ 1.75

Love Lies Bleeding Amaranth is loved for its color and its one of a kind flower clusters. Leaves are reddishly forming a bushy type plant that produces long, drooping tassels of purple-red flowers. Will grow to a height of 3 feet and spreads to an equal width.    

100 seeds 




Amaranthus caudatus


Germination: 10-15 days

Germination Temperature: Optimum soil temperatures 65-75ºF

Seed Planting Depth: Sow on the surface and lightly cover

Starting Indoors:  Start indoors 4-6 weeks before the last frost. Provide 65-75ºF soil temperature. Transplant apart after the last frost, 12-18” apart.  

Sowing Outdoors: Starting around the last frost date, sow lightly and thin to 6-8” apart. Sow again in midsummer for late-season blooms

Growth Habit: Upright, branching

Height and Width:  36" x 36" 

Spacing: 12-18" apart

Light Needs: Full sun 

Soil Needs: Love Lies Bleeding Amaranth needs average to fertile, well-drained soil

Approximate days to flower from seed: 60-75 days

Uses: Flower beds, containers, fresh or dried cut flowers, edible seeds and leaves, accent plant

Care: Water seedlings regularly until established. Amend soil with compost before transplanting. Pinch to encourage branching. Water during dry periods. Harvest flowers for drying and hang upside down in a dark room with good airflow.