Marianna's Peace Tomato (Heirloom, 85 Days)
Our favorite tomato for the 2016 growing season. The Marianna's Peace Tomato was suggested by a customer who said it was one of the best-tasting tomatoes out there and after tasting over 20 varieties this summer, some trials and ones we already offer, we definitely agree. The outstanding rich flavor of sweet and acid with a dense creamy texture. If you love Brandywine, this one will surely put up a challenge to its recognition as the “Best tasting heirloom” tomato. The Marianna's Peace Tomato comes from Czechoslovakia and is said to be passed down since the early 1900s. The name and history come from the story of Marianna. She was a young girl who escaped capture in WW2. After a decade of losing contact with her family, they finally reunited. Before her father died he gave her these seeds as a gift. Late season, pink beefsteak type with potato leaves.
25 seeds
Solanum lycopersicum
Germination: 7-14 days
Germination Temperature: Optimum soil temperatures 70-85ºF.
Seed Sowing Depth: 1/4” deep
Starting Indoors: 6 weeks before the last frost. Provide 75-80ºF soil temperatures. Sow 2-3 seeds per cell/pot, thin to the strongest seedling, or use the 20 Row seedling flat, transplanting into individual pots when seedlings get their 3rd set of leaves. Fertilize the seedlings every 7-10 days with a liquid or water-soluble fertilizer, diluted to ¼ of the suggested measurement. Transplant out after the last frost. Space 24-36" apart
Sowing Outdoors: Only in areas with very long growing seasons. Sow after the last frost.
Harvest: When fruit is red (or the color of the variety planted) and firm.
Tips: The Marianna's Peace Tomato needs fertile well-drained soil, amend with compost and/or add organic fertilizer. Keep well watered for optimum growth. Mulching retains moisture and helps with disease. Planting seedlings deeper than they were growing in their pots helps make a stronger roots system. Do not apply excessive nitrogen, which can promote excessive foliage and poor fruit set.