Sugar Lace II Snap Pea (65 Days)
The Sugar Lace II Snap Pea is the first semi-leafless or half leaf Sugar Snap type pea. It is also dwarf, growing to a height of only 16” so it requires no support. The lacy tendrils are unique and attractive, bearing large quantities of 3” peas with a distinctively sweet flavor.
1 Ounce = 110-130 seeds
Pisum sativum
Germination: 7-14 days
Germination Temperature: Optimum soil temperatures 50-75ºF. Planting in cooler soil results in slower germination.
Seed Sowing Depth: 1" deep
Sowing Outdoors- Early spring until last frost date when soil temperature reaches 50-75ºF. Sow 1-2" apart. Sow Sugar Lace II Snap Pea seeds two months before last frost date for smaller fall harvests.
How much does a packet plant: 12-15 foot single row
Harvest- Pick every day for continuous harvest.
Tips- Adding inoculant with rhizobium bacteria will increase yields. Varieties with vine lengths over 3 feet require support.