Super Sugar Snap Pea (62 Days)
The Super Sugar Snap Pea is an improved sugar snap. Very tall, with better resistance to powdery mildew, thicker and plumper pods (and more of them). Can out produce Sugar Snap, with a comparable, sweet flavor. Matures up to a week earlier than the old Sugar Snap.
1 Ounce = 110-130 seeds
Pisum sativum
Germination: 7-14 days
Germination Temperature: Optimum soil temperatures 50-75ºF. Planting in cooler soil results in slower germination.
Seed Sowing Depth: 1" deep
Sowing Outdoors- Early spring until last frost date when soil temperature reaches 50-75ºF. Sow 1-2" apart. Sow Super Sugar Snap Pea two months before last frost date for smaller fall harvests.
How much does a packet plant: 12-15 foot single row
Harvest- Pick every day for continuous harvest.
Tips- Adding inoculant with rhizobium bacteria will increase yields. Varieties with vine lengths over 3 feet require support.