Champagne Bubbles Poppy
Iceland Poppy. Elegant, cup-shaped flowers with a crepe-like texture in a beautiful array of colors which has the potential to flower the first year but typically blooms early in the growing season. Splendid long-lasting cut flower when picked just as the bud begins to open. Removing the faded flowers will encourage more buds to form and don’t forget to allow a few to remain to set seed for next season. Suitable for borders and containers. Good for growing in the winter in Florida, California and similar climates. F1 Hybrid.
50 seeds
Papaver nudicaule
Perennial, Zones 4-8
Germination: 7-14 days
Germination Temperature: Optimum soil temperatures 65-70ºF
Seed Planting Depth: Sow on surface, light aids germination
Starting Indoors: Difficult to transplant. Roots and stems are fragile. Start indoors 6-8 weeks before last frost. Sowing into individual biodegradable peat/cow pots reduces root damage when transplanting. Sow 2-3 seeds per cell/pot. Transplant a few weeks before last frost.
Sowing Outdoors: Early spring as soon as ground can be worked or in the fall. Sow a few seeds every 6-9" or prepare a weed free seed bed and sprinkle down seeds. Thin the seedlings 6-9" apart. Do not start poppies in hot weather. Germination and growth will be poor sow them in late fall and early spring.
Growth Habit: Upright
Height and Width: 12-15” x 12”
Spacing: 6-9” apart
Light Needs: Full sun
Soil Needs: Average, loamy, sandy, well-drained
Approximate days to flower from seed: 70-80 days, late spring to early summer
Uses: Flower beds, cottage and wildflower gardens, attracts pollinators