Hello Yellow Milkweed
Hello Yellow Milkweed has flowers that are golden yellow and displayed in a flat-topped arrangement, providing a nectar-rich feast for a variety of pollinators, especially the monarch butterfly. This easy-to-maintain, long-lived perennial likes full sun in well-drained, to gritty soil and tolerates dry conditions. For long-lasting cut flowers sear the ends of the stem with a flame. Stimulate a second bloom cycle by deadheading. Grows to 20-24”.
40 seeds
Asclepias tuberosa
Perennial, zones 3-8
Germination: 14-30 days, cold treatment aids germination
Germination Temperature: Optimum soil temperatures 65-75ºF.
Seed Planting Depth: Sow ⅛-¼” deep
Starting Indoors: Start indoors 8-10 weeks before the last frost. Cold treat seed by sowing into moist soil or paper towel, wrap in a clear plastic bag, and place in the refrigerator for 2-3 weeks. Provide 65-75ºF soil temperatures until germination. Transplant new seedlings into individual biodegradable peat/cow pots/paper pots. This helps reduce root damage when transplanting. Transplant around the last frost date,12-18” apart.
Sowing Outdoors: Direct sow outdoors in early spring or early fall, spacing 3-5 seeds every 12".
Growth Habit: Upright
Height and Width: 20-24” by 18-24"
Spacing: 12-18” apart
Light Needs: Full sun
Soil Needs: Average, well-drained
Approximate days to flower from seed: Blooms in the second year. May bloom the first season when started early indoors, mid to late summer thereafter.
Uses: Wildflower and cottage gardens, cut flowers, deer resistant, low maintenance, attracts butterflies and beneficials
Care: Water seedlings regularly until established. Deadheading encourages a second bloom and reduces self-seeding.