Sugar Magnolia Snap Pea (70 Days)
These deep purple, edible pods have changed the world of sugar snap peas! First, we liked the Sugar Magnolia Snap Pea because of the striking colors; pretty pink bi-colored flowers grow into vibrant pods and the showy hyper tendrils (vines have leaves replaced by more tendrils) make for easy climbing and are edible when they are young. Second, when it came time to harvest we got a plentiful amount just from a 4-foot planting and they kept coming! The Sugar Magnolia Snap Pea beats the mid-July heat, providing peas after the earlier, shorter day, varieties gave up, which makes this a good one for a succession crop. Grows over 6-7 feet.
1 ounce = (approx. 110-130 seeds)
Pisum sativum
Germination: 7-14 days
Germination Temperature: Optimum soil temperatures 50-75ºF. Planting in cooler soil results in slower germination.
Seed Sowing Depth: 1" deep
Sowing Outdoors- Early spring until last frost date when soil temperature reaches 50-75ºF. Sow 1-2" apart. Sow two months before last frost date for smaller fall harvests.
How much does a packet plant: 12-15 foot single row
Harvest- Pick every day for continuous harvest.
Tips- Adding inoculant with rhizobium bacteria will increase yields. Varieties with vine lengths over 3 feet require support.