Clemson Spineless Okra (64 Days)

$ 2.35

Plants are about 3’ tall. The Clemson Spineless Okra carries numerous spineless pods that are tender and tasty if picked young. This variety won an All-America Selections award back in 1939 and is still thought of as the standard variety.

30 seeds

Clemson Spineless Okra (64 Days)


Abelmoschus esculentus

Germination: 7-10 days

Germination Temperature: Optimum soil temperatures 75-85ºF. 

Seed Sowing Depth: 1/2" deep

Starting Indoors:  Start 4-5 weeks before planting outside. Sow 2-3 seeds per cell/pot, thinning to one per cell/pot. Sowing into individual biodegradable peat/cow pots reduces root damage when transplanting. Provide 75-85ºF soil temperatures. Transplant out after the last frost, 12-18” apart. 

Sowing Outdoors: After the last frost when the soil temperature is over 70ºF. Sow 3-6” apart, thin to 12-18”. 

How much does a packet plant: 20-25 foot single row  

Harvest: Clip pods off at 2-4” to keep the plant flowering for more production.

Tips: Plant Clemson Spineless Okra in fertile soil, and amend with compost before planting if needed. Provide adequate, even moisture for the best growth. Mulching helps retain moisture.