Dahlia 'Break Out'
Break Out Dahlia has 8-10" flowers with blush pink petals and a buttery yellow center. These dahlias are the large-flowered type, referred to as dinner plate dahlias, and grow to 3-4 ft tall. They require staking to support the tall foliage and large flowers and can be pinched back to produce bushier plants with smaller flowers.
1 tuber- $11.95
2 or more tubers- $9.95 each
Dahlias are grown for their gorgeous, colorful flowers that bloom from midsummer through autumn. They are stunning in patio containers or flower gardens and start blooming when most perennials begin to fade, offering fantastic late-season color.
Plant Break Out Dahlia in fertile, well-drained soil. Grow in full sun. Plant Gogo Peach Dahlia Tubers outdoors after your last frost date. Pot up dahlia tubers 3-4 weeks before the last frost for earlier blooms. Plant tubers so the crown is at or just below the surface. For heavy clay soil amend with sand and compost for better drainage. They are considered a tender perennial, grown as an annual in zone 8 and below. You can simply dig up the tubers in the fall, store them for the winter, and replant them the following spring.