Jacobs Cattle Bush Dried Bean (Organic Heirloom 83 days)
Jacob's Cattle Bean is the most popular traditional soup and baking bean here in Maine. What Saturday night Bean Supper would be complete without the Jacobs Cattle Bush Dried Bean and its remarkable effects on the digestive tract? Also known as Trout or Dalmatian bean, it is one of the earliest beans to dry even in our too-short summers. An attractive combination of white and deep maroon, it can also be used earlier as a shell bean. Similar in appearance to a Native American bean called Anasazi. Bush type.
1 ounce= approx 80-90 seeds
Phaseolus vulgaris
Germination: 4-10 days
Germination Temperature: Optimum soil temperatures 70-85ºF
Seed Sowing Depth: 1” deep
Sowing Outdoors: After the last frost with soil temperatures above 60ºF. Sow 2-3” apart. Planting in soil under 60ºF results in poor germination.
How much does a packet plant: 12-15 foot single row
Harvest: Leave beans on the plant until most of the leaves have turned brown and pods are dried and withered. If fall weather is wet or frost threatens the harvest, pull up the plants, and finish drying indoors.
Tips: Jacobs Cattle Bush Dried Bean should be grown in light, well-drained soil and provide adequate, even moisture, especially at flowering time. Dry soil can result in low yields and fibrous pods. Do not over-fertilize with nitrogen which results in a surplus of foliage and low, delayed pod growth. Adding inoculant at planting time aids in a larger harvest and more robust plants.