
$ 2.25

Pennyroyal has a strong mint odor, and is used as an herbal insect repellent. Creeping plant has the tendency to spread quickly and send up little 6 inch lilac flower stalks. Not reliably hardy in the north.         

200 seeds



Mentha pulegium

Perennial, Zones 6-9

Germination:  7-14 days

Seed Planting Depth: on the surface, lightly press in

Starting Indoors/Outdoors:  Start indoors 6-8 weeks before last frost. Provide 70-75 degree soil temperatures. Transplant 12-15" apart. Sow outdoors in spring after last frost. Sow a few seeds every 3-4 ", thin to 12-15" apart. 

Light Needs:  Sun to light shade

Soil Needs: Pennyroyal needs rich, moist, well drained soil

Uses: Medicinal, ornamental, attracts bees and benefical