
Mizuna Red Streaked Mustard (20-45 Days)

$ 1.95

One of our favorites! Deeply serrated fringy baby leaves are purple-red and pack a zingy peppery flavor that gets bolder with age. The Mizuna Red Streaked Mustard greens are great to plant along with other baby greens to add some flare to a salad. Slow to bolt but best planted in spring or fall. 

100 seeds



Brassica rapa var japonica

Germination: 4-10 days

Germination Temperature: Optimum soil temperatures 70-75ºF. 

Seed Sowing Depth: ¼" deep

Starting Indoors:  Start 3-4 weeks before planting outsideSow 2-3 seeds per cell/pot, thinning to one per cell/pot. Provide 60-70ºF soil temperatures. Transplant 12” apart. 

Sowing Outdoors:  Starting in spring when soil temperature reaches at least 55-60ºF, into late summer. Sow 1-3” apart, thin to 12”, for mature leaves. Sow 1/2-1" apart for baby greens. Sow every 3 weeks for a continuous harvest. 

How much does a packet plant: 12 foot single row

Harvest: Mature greens- cut at 12-18", Baby greens - cut at 3-6"

Tips: Plant Mizuna Red Streaked Mustard greens in fertile, well drained soil. Work in compost or well rotted manure into your soil before planting. Provide adequate, even moisture for the best growth, especially from the middle to end of summer. Mulching helps retain moisture.