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Pinetree's Guide to Winter Sowing
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Pinetree's Guide to Winter Sowing

Start your seeds outdoors this winter!


Stratification - The process that recreates the temperature conditions that would naturally break a seeds dormancy.  


What is winter sowing?

Some seeds need a bit of cold to jumpstart their journey to the garden. This period of chilling and then warming, helps break down the seed coat leading to more successful germination and a happier plant overall. Perennials are big fans of this cold treatment and it's the reason we plant things like garlic in the fall! Though it can be recreated using a refrigerator, our preferred method is winter sowing. It's simple to do, inexpensive, saves space and doesn't require any fancy equipment. Plus, you won't have to worry about hardening off your seedlings which can be a delicate process. 

It's an excellent way to beat the winter blues. Each time you walk by your milk jug greenhouses, you'll be filled with a sense of optimism about the warmer weather ahead. 


Here's what you'll need: 

  • Plastic milk jugs, salad containers, or liter bottles. Remove stickers and labels - the tops need to be transparent!
  • A box cutter or good pair of scissors
  • Duct Tape (or similarly strong packing tape)
  • Labels/Markers
  • Soil
  • Seeds (scroll down to see what types do best)
  • Water - a spray bottle is helpful but not mandatory
  • A good spot with plenty of natural sunlight
  • and a little bit of patience



  1. If using a milk jug or bottle, carefully cut your container in half leaving the top partially attached near the handle (or on one side) to create a hinge - this will help to close your lid later. 
  2. Poke holes in the bottom of your containers using a screw or thumbtack to allow water to move through preventing soggy soil. 
  3. Fill the bottom with 2-3" of soil and water the soil. 
  4. Follow seed packet instructions for sowing depth.
  5. Water lightly  - this is where a spray bottle comes in handy because the top layer doesn't need to be soaked. 
  6. Place your labels inside so they won't be destroyed by the elements.
  7. Seal your container by taping the top half to the bottom half with weatherproof/waterproof tape. 
  8. Place your mini-"greenhouses" somewhere outside where they'll get plenty of sun.

Now let nature do it's thing - time for you and your seeds to just....chill😎


Watch Matthew demonstrate how to winter sow in our latest YouTube Video:



Which seeds we winter sow and when:

Scroll down for a downloadable PDF!


Flowers: Aquilegia (Columbine), Coreopsis, DelphiniumJoe Pye (Eupatorium)Milkweed (Asclepias)

Herbs: Angelica, Anise Hyssop, Catnip, Elecampane, Feverfew, Hyssop, Germander, Oregano, Valerian, Spearmint

Fruits and Vegetables: AsparagusOnions, Leeks, Sea Kale, Shallots, Strawberries


Flowers: Ageratum, Baby's Breath, Bishop's Flower (Ammi / False Queen Anne's Lace), Cleome, Dianthus, Echinacea, Foxglove, Blanket Flower (Gaillardia), Helenium, Heliopsis, Hollyhock, LarkspurLupine, Malva, Monarda (Bee Balm), Rudbeckia, Pink Dandelion, Pansy, Snapdragon, Sweet Annie, Sweet Pea, Viola

Herbs: Borage, ChivesCilantro, DillLavender, Lemon Balm, Lovage, Mint, Oregano, Parsley, Savory, Sage, Thyme

Vegetables: Onions, Leeks, Shallots


Flowers: Alyssum, Amaranth, Calendula, Bachelors' Buttons, Marigold, Cosmos, Morning Glory, Nasturtium, Scabiosa, Zinnia

Vegetables: Broccoli, Cabbage, Cauliflower, Brussels Sprouts, Lettuce, Leafy Greens, Kale, SpinachTomatoes,  Peppers

The above are just suggestions from our gardeners to get you started. Be brave and experiment with a few seeds you know need a cold treatment or an early start to the season.


Answers to your FAQ's can be found HERE


And be sure to lettuce know how things grow!!


Winter Sowing List PDF Landscape
Winter Sowing List PDF Standard


Winter Sowing Seed List

33 comments on Pinetree's Guide to Winter Sowing

  • Meaghan
    MeaghanFebruary 03, 2023

    So informative! I had no idea all these greens could benefit from stratification!

  • Joe hoesche
    Joe hoescheFebruary 03, 2023

    Thanks for the enthusiasm got my fire going going to start my cabbage soon try it ur way

  • Terese
    TereseFebruary 03, 2023

    This is so cool! Thank you!

  • Beth Piercs
    Beth PiercsFebruary 03, 2023

    I’d like to thank Matthew for this video. He makes it look so easy, and it is! According to your list of when to winter sow, is this for your area? I live in Zone 4b/5a snd I can get some pretty frigid days in January and February; sometimes in the minuses.

  • Mark Follansbee
    Mark FollansbeeFebruary 03, 2023

    This is a fantastic blog. Thank you for sharing this. What other seeds can we do this with? I would love a more complete list. Thanks again!

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